
The Association du Memphré-Rural is a group of landowners from the District-6 of the city of Magog. Its objective is to ensure the interests of its members with the authorities concerned, and to remedy any injustice or anomaly.

To do this, noting the inequalities in the treatment of District-6 by the current administration of Magog - in terms of taxation, services provided and priorities - and after having tried in vain to discuss the subject with the latter, we are planning a separation process, combined with a proposed annexation by the neighboring rural municipality of Canton de Stanstead.

We intend to demonstrate that together, we could benefit from better assets to defend our common priorities and objectives, such as promoting sustainable and equitable rural development, preserving our natural heritage, improving the quality of life of our communities, all by operating a healthy municipal management, appropriate to the rural mode, and visionary.

We clearly have no interest in enduring any longer the choices and modes of operation of a municipal administration that is essentially urban, spendthrift and in debt, and very little attentive to the rural world and its environment.

Association Memphré-Rural

T o g e t h e r f o r a r u r a l f u t u r e

h a r m o n i o u s a n d p r o s p e r o u s