Steps in the Annexation procedure

1. *1 The landowners of District-6 vote by survey with the largest possible majority (51% ++) in favor of annexation to the Canton de Stanstead (CdS)

2.*1 For its part, the municipality of CdS approves by by-law to annex District-6, in part or in whole, and notifies the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Territorial Occupation of Quebec (MAMOT)

3. CdS mandates a land surveyor to delimit and/or describe the territory of District-6 to be annexed, in whole or in part, and have it approved by the Office of the Surveyor General of Quebec (BAGQ)

4. Transmission of the annexation regulations to Magog and the MRC of Memphrémagog

5.*2 Possibility of holding a referendum vote in District-6, if required by Magog or CdS

6. Transmission of the annexation regulations to MAMOT

7. Analysis and, if necessary, possible interventions by MAMOT

8. MAMOT’s recommendations to the minister

9. Negotiation of an agreement on the sharing of assets and liabilities

10. Minister’s intervention and decision

*1 Preliminary condition for starting the annexation procedure which will follow, in summary, the following steps, as defined by the Law on municipal territorial organization (LOTM), (RLRQ, chapter 0-9). Annexation costs are the responsibility of CdS.

*2 The result of such a vote would take precedence over any refusal by Magog to accept annexation.


Association Memphré-Rural

AMR Roadmap *

  • Mass mailing with exploratory survey sent to all landowners in District-6 (March 2024)

  • First informal contacts with CdS residents

  • Fundraising campaign for District-6 owners: voluntary annual contribution of $25 (or more) for working capital. Goal: $30,000

  • Commissioning of the necessary communication tools (Web, Email, social media, etc.)

  • Recruitment and training of members and volunteers.

  • Holding of the Annual Meeting of the Association, August 13, 2023.

  • Legal procedures confirming the status, role, and mode of operation of the Association du Memphré-Rural , an NPO operated by volunteers, all landowners in District-6.

  • Ad hoc working group: research, exploration, preliminary contacts with residents, publications and press, radio and TV interviews. (2022)
    * Newest at top

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h a r m o n i o u s a n d p r o s p e r o u s