Geopolitics of District-6

  • Until 2002, the current District-6 of Magog was part of the municipality of Canton de Magog (100% rural, distributed on both sides of Lake Memphrémagog).

  • Essentially, the nature of the territory of current District-6 is rural, and quite similar to its Canton de Stanstead neighbor.

  • Magog has 8 urban wards or districts, which bring together the 12,000 landowners. 3 of the 8 districts are in fact rural or partially rural, corresponding to the former Canton of Magog.

  • The investments made by Magog (infrastructure and operations) are allocated almost entirely to urban needs.

  • It is significant to note that when it submitted the three-year capital expenditure program (PTI - 2024-2025-2026), on October 16, 2023, Magog did not allocate any budget to District-6.

  • The services offered by the city of Magog are mostly unsuitable for a rural district.

  • District-6, rural by nature, the largest of the 8 districts, has 1,632 property owners, provides the city with 30% of its residential tax revenue, but is only represented by one councilor (out of 8). The 3 rural districts are in the minority in the Municipal Council. *1

  • Magog is a very wasteful city, with grandiose and expensive investment projects - which could easily be considered beyond its means and size - and a piecemeal management which generates delays, additional costs and debt. Not to mention the extraordinary salaries granted to civil servants.

  • Magog's budget is 45% higher than the average of that of similar cities in terms of number of inhabitants. *2

  • Compared to Quebec cities of equivalent size (28,000), Magog imposes a disproportionate tax burden on its citizens. Its municipal tax rate is the highest of all these municipalities.

  • And despite its high tax rate, Magog is very indebted. Its debt service is the highest expenditure item (Ex.: $374/landowner for Magog, compared to $27 for Canton de Stanstead). It will therefore be forced to maintain this high tax rate in the future.*3

  • The city of Magog, through the voices of its leaders and its municipal council, is essentially oriented towards industrial, commercial, real estate, and tourism development.

  • With such priorities in mind, it has practically neglected the rural environment, if not encroaching on its territory.

  • The residents of District-6 - like those of Canton de Stanstead - are committed to the preservation of their exceptional natural environment, the quality of life of their population, as well as a realistic approach to sustainable development, as well as a sound administrative management, well suited to the needs of its citizens.

  • Together, the current District-6 of Magog and Canton de Stanstead - two homogeneous and contiguous rural entities - would have the opportunity to better protect two main attractions and assets of their territory: Lakes Lovering and Memphremagog. The sustainability of their rural character would be garant of the preservation of their character, reputation and self-sufficiency.

  • In conclusion, it must be understood that the residents of the current District-6 of Magog have always favoured a rural lifestyle: when they formed the majority of Canton de Magog , until its forced annexation by Magog in 2002 (see photo), then during their affiliation with Magog, and finally today, as they aspire to join a neighbouring municipality, with which they share rural priorities, rigorous administration, and a deep commitment to protecting biodiversity.

    *1 Magog + MRC de Memphrémagog

    *2 Gvt Québec + Compilation of statistics from around thirty cities in Quebec.

    *3 Magog + Canton de Stanstead

Association Memphré-Rural

T o g e t h e r f o r a r u r a l f u t u r e

h a r m o n i o u s a n d p r o s p e r o u s