From alarm to action

Association Memphré-Rural

The next 2025-2027 property assessment roll will be effective on January 1, 2025. It will be based on real estate market values as of July 1, 2023.

Market analysis as of July 1, 2023 shows very significant increases compared to the current 2022-2024 role:

  • 83% for all District-6 properties except Lake Lovering

  • 101% for properties in the Lake Lovering area

  • + 200% for building land available in District-6

In comparison, the increase in the 2022-2024 property assessment roll compared to the previous 2019-2021 roll, was 35%. We don't dare imagine the catastrophe on January 1st, 2025.

The current status quo with Magog will become untenable, given the intransigence of the city of Magog to change anything in its urban taxation method applied to our rural district. It therefore becomes imperative to de-annex from Magog and to mobilize quickly to achieve this objective.

All landowners in District-6 of Magog are cordially invited to become members of the AMR. We must make common cause.

Their family members are also accepted, specifying the name of the owner in the form. However, according to the principle One address - One vote, they will not be able to sign in on any future petition-type action.

To cover our various operating costs, we suggest an annual voluntary contribution of $25 or more. Consult the Contribution page, to explore payment options.

Please, let us know what you think of our approach in this short survey.

(Reminder: all AMR administrators and collaborators are volunteers... who willingly accept any help or encouragement)

T o g e t h e r f o r a r u r a l f u t u r e

h a r m o n i o u s a n d p r o s p e r o u s